
October 2-5, 2025

If you are looking for a autumn escape filled with AcroYoga and community, you have come to the right place to round off your 2025!

This is our autumn weekend long residential retreat, a wonderful movement experience that combines holiday and AcroYoga training. We have a wonderful house surrounded by nature and a beautiful training hall. You can choose between different accommodation options ranging from a private room to a shared dorm.
Find out more details below.

About this Retreat

During this weekend we will offer plenty of workshops, giving you the opportunity to discover the practice of AcroYoga and related disciplines like handstands, contact games, solo and partner exercises and Thai Massage. Our experienced teachers team is here to create a safe environment where playful and sustainable learning can flourish.

This is an all levels retreat, suitable for total beginners as well as AcroYogis who recently started or want to refresh their skills. We will be running two levels (beginner & intermediate) simultaneously which will give you the freedom to choose what you would like to learn. All workshops are optional! Please take care of your body and energy levels and decide for yourself whether you want to participate or not. 

Special Guest
Slava Goloubov

As a young boy growing up in Russia, he was always drawn to movement and physical activity. He found joy in exploring his own body’s capabilities and pushing himself to new limits. As he grew older, this curiosity only intensified, leading him to travel the world in search of new challenges and experiences. From learning Capoeira from Brazilian masters to studying with Shaolin monks in China, he’s been fortunate enough to work with some of the most talented and skilled individuals in the world of movement. Each experience has taught him valuable lessons about the human body and its incredible potential.

His passion for movement has led him to create the Movement Flow System, which combines the best practices from various disciplines to make physical education accessible to everyone. He believes that movement is a fundamental aspect of life, and his goal is to help others discover their own unique abilities and potential. 

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Assistant Teachers
Sheilina & Mélanie

Sheilina is captivated by the world of movement and human interaction, be it defying gravity through acrobatics, climbing adventures, or training handstands. In AcroYoga, she loves the playful challenges, group dynamics and deciphering the fine details that lead to the success of a new move. She finds joy in being upside down and exploring various forms of movement and teach them to others with a joyful smile.
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Mélanie has been with us almost from the start and brings gentleness and confidence to our classes. She is an incredibly skilled acrobat and probably the most outdoorsy person we know 😉 While she mainly teaches AcroYoga with us, you might get lucky and also catch some Slackline inspiration from her.


We are staying at a wonderful historic holiday home which is located at the foot of the Alpstein and is surrounded by a private forest and a big meadow. Overlooking green hills, we will be training in a spacious training hall which is completely covered with tatami mats. In addition to the training facilities and nature, the house offers a chill-out room with table tennis, mini-foot and other games. For the whole retreat we will have the entire house to ourselves.


The retreat will be from Thursday 2pm to Sunday 1pm. In the mornings we dive deep into AcroYoga, learning exciting tricks, flows and inversions. The afternoons are more about playtime, group activities and enjoying nature (or the sauna). After a full day of movement we will round off the day by enjoying some relaxing Thai Massage or playing games with our new friends.

Example Schedule:

07:45 – 08:30     Warm-up
08:30 – 09:45      Breakfast
09:45 – 12:45        Workshop 1 + Workshop 2      
13:00 – 15:00         Lunch
15:00 – 16:30         Guided Training 
16:30 – 18:00        Community Time    
19:00 – 20:00       Dinner
21:00 – O.E.          Therapeutics & Community activities

Please note that the actual schedule may might change depending on the weather or the needs of the group.


We will have a photographer on site who will capture your most glorious moments. This will be most likely during one of the afternoons where we go for a hike or spend time at the nearby lake or river. If you are one of the brave ones who love to prep their body for winter, we usually have a small group of people who jump in the river for some cold exposure first thing in the morning, but of course it is completely optional. We also have a private sauna for the retreat, so get ready to relax your body after a long day of training.


Three times a day we will have delicious vegetarian meals (with vegan options) to recharge your batteries. There will be plenty of vegetables, plant-based protein like nuts and beans and lovingly prepared desserts to round off the menu. We will have our own local chefs from the area cooking for us, and what we love about the food here most is that the butter, milk, and cheese comes from our host’s own cows just around the corner. Sometimes we even get some edible flours from her garden 😉

How to get there

Public transport:
The shortest route is via Gossau to Urnäsch and then take the bus 791 to Rossfall. From there, it’s a 5min walk to the house.

Please consider carpooling with other participants. It’s a good way to get to know your fellow Mountain Movers 😉 We will offer help with carpooling by providing a sign-up sheet.

Additional Information

Upon receipt of your registration, we will confirm your participation and the registration is binding from that date on. In case you cannot come to the retreat, please note that there is a non-refundable deposit of CHF 150.- per person. You may give your ticket to another person though.

Insurance is your own responsibility. The facilitator/the teacher shall not be held liable for any damage to, or loss of, property or injury to persons. The participant waives any claim against the company/the teacher for any such loss, damage or injury.

Love Letters from Participants 🤍

Ein tolles Wochenende mit vielen aufgestellten Leuten, super Yoga teachers und neuen Acroflows! Es wird bei mir noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben und ich komme im nächsten Jahr gerne wieder. Vielen Dank für alles.
Mountainmoves ist awesome. I can recommend it to everyone who's looking for a fullfilling weekend. Nice teachers. Nice people. Nice food. Nice location. Good bodyworkout. Recharge your battery 🍀❤️✌️
The best teachers ever! I love you and the way you are and you teach; every retreat becomes a beautiful, happy, active and love-spreading time! I love it: the people, the acro, all the activities, the vibes!!!💗
In 4 Tagen mehr Ferien als nach 2 Wochen. Eine Reise zu dir selbst, Vertrauen und Austausch mit anderen tollen Menschen, sportlich und kreativ, schöne Acro Yoga Flows, mit leckerem Essen und einer Sauna zum Abschluss des Tages. WAS WILL MAN MEHR?
I have become a regular participant at Mountain Moves' acro retreats. I so enjoy the teachers' and organizers' attitudes, teaching style, and how they create in little time a super warm and friendly atmosphere among all the participants. The group is small enough for you to get to know everyone, and big enough to be able to choose people you'd like to spend more time with. Now, after a few times, it is also amazing to meet friends from earlier editions of the retreats again, catch up and build on our friendship and joint practice. I somehow believe this is really hard to top! Kudos to the MM team and see you next time!

Are you ready for this adventure?